Ryson Roofing Baton Rouge Local Roofers

Leaky Roof Repair?

Leaky Roof Repair

Leaky Roof Repair | Baton Rouge Roofing Contractors

A good rain can really expose a leaky roof and the need for leaky roof repair. This time of year we have a lot of moisture and this moisture can make its way into areas of your roof and attic that are hard to recognize. Some homes are so large that by the time you actually see a leak a lot of hidden damage has been done and the result is much more than just leaky roof repair. As your roof ages, certain areas of your roof are more prone to leaks. Understanding where these prone areas are can help you to identify your leaky roof and help you decide if you need leaky roof repair. A good place to start is in your attic. Going into your attic once a month with a good flashlight to shine into the corners or where slopes meet is a good way to identify hidden leaks. Of course you will want to wait for a good rain in order to see if any areas in the attic are wet. Here are some places you can check:

Finding That Leaky Roof

Flashing: The flashing are the components of a roof that used over joints to prevent water from seeping in and causing damage. Flashing is usually made from aluminum or galvanized steel. A popular place that flashing can leak is the chimney flashing.

Pipe Jacks: Pipe Jacks also composed of aluminum, galvanized steel or plastic, are used to allow the heat to rise and exit the attic of the home. You can usually check to see if the pipe jacks are leaking from the attic.

Valleys: Valleys are also made of aluminum or galvanized steel. They are used where to slopes meet on a roof. This is also the area most prone to catching and collecting debris. From the ground you can look up at your valleys. If they are full of debris you are going to want to clean them.

Ryson Roofing can help you to identify if there are any issues with your roof. We offer a free roof inspection. Call us today and let the experts at Ryson Roofing inspect your roof.


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